• Project name: ABFA office Building-
  • Title: Architectural Design
  • Area: 1000 sqm
  • Style: Modern
  • Location: Badrood, Isfahan, Iran
  • Situation: Execution in progress

Project is located in Badrood, a city in the middle of the desert, 30 km away from natanz. being in middle of desert made the concept to have center yards and traces. The project contains 3 different parts: Administrative department, Service department and suits for employees. Openings in north-south and east-west axes make connections while making physical contact and airflow, divide different part of the buildings.
All-round hall way in the middle has make step terraces in floors and visual connections between first and second floors. Building’s main street entrance has been made by an opening in mass which has made difference among walkway and building.to stylize inner spaces two central court yard with green spaces are projected inside the administrative department. Lattice shells on the walls of the building while restricting access from the street also has helped controlling light and shading on the building. Materials used to build the project according to the climate brick.